Planned Work Notification / Driftunderhåll 2 december (UPDATE)

On the night to 2017-12-02 00:01 CET STOKAB will perform a Comprehensive planned work in Stockholm. Please note that only services in and connected through Stockholm will be directly affected by this work.
Your affected and PROTECTED circuits are listed below.

Type: Comprehensive
Initiated by: Supplier
Type of work: Maintenance
Location: Stockholm

Additional information:

Our subprovider is rebuilding a major network node in Stockholm.
They need to move 75 fibercables to accomplish this.
This is therefore a comprehensive work.
Outage for individual client circuits will be from several hours up to 7 hours.
We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Affected services:
Note: Services that are marked as PROTECTED at the end of it’s row is not expected to be affected by this work, else they are affected by this work.

Earliest start: 2017-12-02 00:01 (CET)
Latest finish: 2017-12-02 07:00 (CET)
Estimated downtime: up to 7 hours

If you have any questions regarding this planned work please contact us at [email protected] and refer to your customer number and this work notification.

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